Thursday, August 18, 2011 registration Info.

I know I have not been so consistent with the use of this great program, but I am working on it.  I promise to ask you to run all typed essays and major assignments through this program before you submit a hard copy to me.  So, to get a jump on things, you could follow the instructions below and get registered in my class for AP.  Don't worry about that first assignment listed on turnitin, I will assign it after the year starts. Just register on the site, please. Thanks!
Mrs. E

NOTE: You must have an email address to use Turnitin.  If you do not have one, create a new account on a free site like gmail or yahoo, and use that email address to create your user account and turn papers in on Turnitin.

2.  Click on “New User” at the top of the site.

3. Follow the instructions for a “new student user”.
Here is the information you will need to log in:
For AP:
Class # 4218777
Password: goforafive